social network for cars
There is now, a social network for cars. Hey wow, this idea is max. Well, we hope that is catches on. Sounds like we can soon FRIEND cars.
Labels: cars
There is now, a social network for cars. Hey wow, this idea is max. Well, we hope that is catches on. Sounds like we can soon FRIEND cars.
Labels: cars
Folks, here is one more sign on a poor economy. People are not buying new cars. OK so this is driving up prices. Mostly, on old clunkers that belong in the junk yard even. There are now high prices on use cars. This is especially true on those with high mpg. It is a sellers market for economy cars.
Labels: cars
People, this is the news. Gaddafi was wounded now. Hey, perhaps we will soon see what is coming. Libya is on fire now.
Folks, we have hit the debt ceiling now. What comes next shall be interesting on us. Here we go. Problem can be solved two ways - increase taxes or spend less money. It is my guess, that they will make taxes increase.
Colleges, the Fukushima fuel rods melts. Things are getting worse. Right now they are worse than we can imagine. Sadly, it is a tragic time for japan. They are having to evacuate more people now. Radiation is spreading over a vast area. Politicians need to be straight with us. What is going on?
Citizens, this is a period of peril for all of us. Latest news is in. The morganza flood way will open. Well, we are so sad to say. Feel really bad about morganza. Hope all the best to all of you.
Boy was booted off a bus for passing gas. Wait a minute, there are two boys instead of one. This is FARTastic news. Must be a slow day at the newspaper. However, I think the bus driver was very assinine. Hey, bet they really stunk up the HOLE bus even. I did say stunk up. Perhaps a better choice of words is SKUNK up.
Belief that John Titor is the real deal is growing. OK so many of his predictions are coming in. Yeah, I did say many. John Titor - more proof has more evidence for us. Please keep your MIND open. It is a very strange universe we live in.
Labels: John Titor, proof
OK so we have a new movie coming. It is called rise of the apes. Oh, it is interesting to see an ape uprising. Perhaps that could happen in days to come. Then we would see APEbraham Lincoln becomes prez.
Do not track bill is a threat to the california economy. Please believe me on this one. Business need to see where you are going. Yeah, I am aware most people want privacy. However, the web employs over 150,000 workers and generates billions in revenue every year. This new burden is unnecessary.
There is now a struggle for power. Folks, this is a new iran row.OK iran cleric Khamenei told iran prez Ahmadinejad: Accept new intel chief or quit now. Hey, this cannot be good news. Please think of how weak the prez is. Maybe this could turn into a new civil war. That could happen so we guess.
Labels: gold
New claims for unemployment jump. OK so what else is new. It is hard to find a job right now. That is because of american companies. They shut down factories in america. Then they move overseas.
Future is natural gas. People need to become more aware. USA has a lot of resources. For example, 200 years of coal is available to us. Natural gas is both cleaner and greener. However, we must preserve and conserve. Wasteful days are now over.
Labels: gas
Folks, this is interesting new. It seems rice crops have a single origin. Why is this important to us. OK so rice is the world's most important grain. Yeah, more that wheat even. That is why people worry on rice crops. Failure would mean that millions starve in a cold cruel universe. Sadly, that is the cosmos we reside in.
Labels: rice
Scientist say the you do not need to worry. The fear of Fukushima radiation are over blown now. OK so they say radiation is at a minimum. Well, I am not so sure. Thousands of gallons of radioactive water did seep into our ocean. People need to become more aware. Still, it is not the end of the world for us. Basically we need to keep our eyes open.
Justin Bieber was pelted with eggs. This took place in Sydney Australia during his dance and song. Well, some one does not like his music. This is some thing to be going on. He is a target of haters, but this is really harsh I guess.