Thursday, February 22, 2007

Iran nuclear effort in high gear, warhead in a year

Iran's nuclear effort in high gear this year and a report says that they will have a warhead in a year. Instead of pushing for more sanctions the United States may have no choice but to attack the heavily fortified bunkers where the WMD are being produced.

Instead of accepting the UN resolution, Iran's president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has become even more defiant by increasing the amount of enriched uranium at the Natanz underground bunker. Iran can produce 20 nukes per year.

The first test could occur in a few months. We are staring at disaster.

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Thursday, February 08, 2007

June 15, 2007 is iphone day

Apple will release the iphone in June. I predicted this back in 2005 and people laughed saying that Apple was a computer company not a phone company.

Guess the ipod should have been a clue, that Apple is an electronics company. The question is will the iphone fly? I predict that Apple will have records sales in 2009.