Friday, April 30, 2010

women on subs in US navy

This is a bright day for many US women. Finally, there can be women on subs in US navy. It makes me wonder what took so long that this law to pass. I guess it really is true that slowly move the wheels of progress.


Thursday, April 29, 2010

magic 8-ball movie

Paramount pictures is releasing magic 8-ball movie. A film about a novelty toy will soon come near you. Can't wait to get to the cinema. It is not very accurate this 8-ball magic. I prefer to use remote viewing. Well, some people say that we can never know the future of course. They claim the Grandfather Paradox prevents time travel, but I do not agree.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

HDR moon

I like to use my HDR in a full moon or a new moon. It seems to work better at that time for some reason.

Here is a potential time traveller seen in a photo found in a museum. For all I know, It could be John Titor investigating the start of WWII or how we got out of our economic crisis. I believe that WWII was what got us our of the depression, but could be wrong.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

HDR plasma ball

Here is a video of HDRKID using the HDR and plasma ball together in an experiment. Think of the plasma ball as a tesla coil that is inexpensive. It can generate a powerful electrical field that is of great use. Here is wishing all you the best on your journeys.

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Monday, April 26, 2010

Wall street versus main

It is a war - wall street versus main. OK, I do not have to tell you who is winning. Wall street is regaining its swagger. The situation all over the world is worsening. However, as for financial regulation we see little if any. It is also a war of corps versus govs. Hey, guess who is winning that war.

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Sunday, April 25, 2010

Doctor Who - time of angels

Doctor Who is the world's number one time traveller, not John Titor, sorry. The new episode Doctor Who - Time of Angels is plus max. It is this series that got me interested in Time Travel journeys. I love this Doctor Who series. That and the book - Time Machine by HG Well, on the ultimate voyage.


Saturday, April 24, 2010

Greek Riots

Things are getting worse. I fear for the eurozone. We could be looking at collapse coming. Trouble is terrible in greece. It is now spreading to other areas. Take a look at eire, portugal, and spain.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Peak oil deniers

Peak oil deniers will get a wake up. I predict that gasoline will go over $3/gallon soon. Expect to pay more. This peak oil  is going to create one long hot summer. Still, the price will probably be lower than 2008 when we say gas in California go over $5/gallon in some areas.


Thursday, April 22, 2010

Workers strike in greece

As if things could not get bad fast enough there is now a workers strike in greece. This can only be bad news. I predict things will go worse for the euro. The world wonders at the whole continent of europe. Perhaps this could be the end of the united currency.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

LED light bulbs are now

OK so you wanna go green. LED light bulbs are now. Well some last 25,000 hours and that is many years. I do not like the quality of the light LED light bulbs give.

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Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Humans are natural born liars

The questions is - are humans natural born liars - yes or no? What is the answer. OK, you will not like the answer, I am sure. It is said that we have a fallen nature that comes from adam and eve. Perhaps that is so, but humans tend to say what they feel will bring them the best results and have no regard for truth, but instead they lie when they can.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Airlines still grounded

Volcano cost airline industry 200 million per day in lost money. This have a very negative impact on the global economy. The ash cloud has cause an european mess. It is sad to see a huge plume of smoke filling the dirty air.

The dust is making the sky gray. It could also lower global temperatures making for a failure of crops. This is an event that is very serious.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

two camps

Folks, young earth creationists believe in account of genesis. In fact they say that genesis 1 is “literally” interpretation of our creation and what took place long ago. Truly, this is at odds with science. Well, we cannot recon the two views.

Friday, April 16, 2010

ax on ning

Free services from ning are no more. OK sorry, but the ax falls on emperor ning. From free to fee, that is where we are going. Bandwidth cost money. People need to realize that the glory days of the internet are over. Well, some day we will look back to now. It will be remembered as wonderful, like a golden age.


Thursday, April 15, 2010

giant meteor in midwest

A giant meteor in the midwest was seen. As we get closer to 2012 expect the rare to become common. Few people seeing this meteor realize how close we are. It is a matter of days and weeks until a big event will wake some up.



Folks, spring is here and summer is coming. The long cold winter is but a fading memory. However, I do not need the Hyper Dimensional Resonator to predict that winter will come again. It is all a wheel like a cycle of rebirth as we see. Jobs should be sprouting like dandelions in spring. However, that is not what we see. Stock market keeps rising.

However, our current economy is in an indian summer. Expect a cold snap soon. OK you will know what a cold snap is. Without jobs and sales the stock market is rising. In fact, unemployment is going up. This does not bode well for our economy.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

small biz in woe

Small business is in a drowning economy. There is a flood of bad news. Folks, this is real bad and it is about to get worse. Banks are not loaning money. Stock market rise is a mirage. Politicians tried to do an emergency prop up. However, finally the foundations are giving way.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

russian moves

Russia moves against US as WWIII nears. John Titor told us. He warns us about the coming war. It is wise to prepare. I must tell you that it will be a long hard road to simply survive. Those of us using remote viewing know what is coming. To get ready is wise.

Monday, April 12, 2010

men of science

They call economics the dismal science. Well, men of science claim they do not know when the recession ended and that is curious. I mean, as we are still in a recession. I can tell you that companies are in trouble right now. It is not just the little shop run by mom and pop. Big companies like Borders and Blockbuster are seeing that bankruptcy is near. Here is my message on our economy - wake up.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

europe's pigs

Take a look at europe's pigs. The situation on the continent is bad and getting worse. And the islands are in trouble as we see on the list is england and eire. People we need to wake up. There is no recovery. In fact, that is a political song we sung. Well, our politician sold us down the river.

Saturday, April 10, 2010


Remember that antibacterial orange soap? Well, soon it could be just a memory. FDA wants to of  Triclosan soap rid us. It is bad, they say. Well, who am I to over Triclosan not agree? Perhaps, there is an ulterior motive we cannot see. I mean all this big fuss over soap.


Friday, April 09, 2010

Gold is rising

Gold future are near a three month high due to global worry. People, this is not good news. Typically, investors go for the gold when they are near panic. Well, perhaps panic is good due to the trouble in greece. Things are not getting better, but they are steadily growing worse. The precious metal as in {gold not silver} is one of the few investments that is both safe and secure. Let me give an example for you. To move one million dollars in gold all you need is a brick on 1000 ounces. This will fit in your glove box with room to spare. Contrawise, a million in silver fills the bed of your pick up truck and is very heavy, so I hope you have excellent suspension.


Thursday, April 08, 2010

Great recession is not over

Folks we are just getting started as they say. The great recession is not over. By printing green paper in industrial quantities we have now a faux recovery. It will not last as well as it never should have been allowed to occur. Sadly, there is a decline in america.

People, the problem is not lack of paper money. It is that over 90% of all products in Walmart come from Red China and we produce little in america. How much longer can we bring our good from overseas? This collapse should never be a mega surprise. It reminds me of the roman empire. Yeah, as in very big, very proud, and very unaware. What a tragedy that politicians scream recovery. Fact is that we never left the quagmire. In fact, we are right now sinking ever deeper into the mire.

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Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Keyboard-less netbook

HP Slate is a keyboard-less netbook that is out just now. Well, I think the slate is great, but it needs a keyboard, sorry. I mean it is not fun typing on a screen. Fat fingers often hit the wrong key and cause errors. If you do not believe me, you can try it and see.

Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Hot Tub Time Machine

OK imagine going back to 1986. Yeah, in a Hot Tub Time Machine - no more. This has got enough material for a few jokes and then some. I love time travel, but not in a hot tub mon. It is not that style of mine.

Monday, April 05, 2010

Who will remember us?

Take a look at old roman ruins. People wonder about the fall of the roman empire. It did not come as a surprise. Fact is that is crumbled slowly over the ages. Yet, there is a mystery and magic in that ancient era. Often we wonder if it had survive. Well, we can learn from the mistakes of other so better off we are.


Sunday, April 04, 2010

Cardinal rejects abuse

Cardinal rejects abuse as gossip. The Catholic church claims these are ugly rumors. Well, they remind me of politicians that refuse to fix problems and try to plead ignorance. Folks, things are going to get worse. A small fire can grow. It can burn down a whole house if you let it.

Saturday, April 03, 2010

Comet hit earth

Evidence mounts of a large cometary explosion cooling our earth over 13,000 years ago. This comet could explain the extinction of the mega fauna in america. Perhaps we are slowly getting to the truth of what took place back then in time that seems so dim and grim. We are still scratching on the surface of things and have yet to penetrate the deep mysteries of our universe.

Steven Gibbs the inventor of HDR says that in the future there will be a shift in earth axis. This could be part of the cause. Perhaps it explains what will soon take place in the days to come.


Friday, April 02, 2010

inventor of first pc dies

Dr. Henry Edward Roberts, inventor of altair 8800 died today and he was father of pc. This was the first microcomputer that could run programs. It was a mile stone in modern science. Ordinary people could not afford to buy a pc. The power of the mainframe would soon be in the hands of the common man.


Thursday, April 01, 2010

unemployment rises

Hypercastastrophic is how we describe our economy. Sadly, unemployment is rising. However, we have more illegals coming in. People, we need to make our borders secure. This is important now. It is true that there are many jobs that were done by illegals once. That may be the case. However, we so few jobs, even these lesser paying jobs are looking good now.