Sunday, October 31, 2010

energy crisis

Back in August 2008 gasoline was $4.39 a gallon and rising. Then our economy did pop. Fact is it sent into a downward spiral energy prices. Actually, by December gasoline was down under $1.50 per gallon and debunkers said the energy crisis was over. Folks, that is not so. I expect more problems with an energy crisis and predict gas prices to rise. Five dollars a gallon is nothing for us, as it will go over seven.


Saturday, October 30, 2010

Microsoft gone

Microsoft is dying on a vine. It  use to be a great brand for consumers. Hey, this is so no way. I mean the software giant reminds me of sony. At one time the king with products like the walk man. However, apple came with the ipod and the rest is history as they say.

Perhaps the company can regrow. Either that or it is exit for this company. Take a look at other giants like Blockbuster movies. They did fail to change and where are they now. John Titor did predict that Microsoft was soon gone.

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Friday, October 29, 2010

european leaders defend euro

People, we are in an euro crisis now. True, there are skeptic that prefer to plead ignorance. However, problems are not going away. Today, european leaders try to defend euro. In contrast, the dollar is in free fall now. Situation is getting far worse.


Thursday, October 28, 2010


Got to HAND it to you. In the future I have seen thumb scanners. They do become max common. Right now they are rare. However, this tech takes off soon. Expect this is be in addition to security cards and a pin.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010


At night we look up. Then we see glowing in night sky our moon. It is just hanging there up in the air. Yet, when I see the moon I think of my HDR which works best on a full moon. As to why, I am not sure. It could be a tidal gravitational power that affects my unit or influence time waves.


Tuesday, October 26, 2010

non citizens get vote

Folks, our country get stranger every day in every way. There is a new move. It is to give non citizens right to vote in our elections and that does worry me. What is going on? As a nation we now allow non citizens in our army. Let's face facts, the prognosis is poor.

This our america. People needed to become citizens and be sworn in. Where is this run away train going now? It has jumped the tracks miles ago. Of its new path we are not sure.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Why video go viral

People wonder why a video goes viral - there are many reasons. Typically, when a person create one. Well, they do not know if it will take off, but for some reason some do catch fire and become super. It is like a story in the news. Most we ignore. However a few are talked about on and on. Cinematographers need to see the video as a mini movie. It should have an attractive beginning to hook the viewer.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Vortex Hunter

The secret of using an HDR is to find a vortex and wait for it to open. Most people want instant results, but this is no so. Finding a vortex is key to the using. According to Steven Gibbs, cats are natural vortex hunters and if you use an HDR you should get one.

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Saturday, October 23, 2010

Color comes

Color comes to the book nook this year. It is so sad in black and white, as in quite dim and very grim. There is something gritty about a black and white image. That is especially true if it is noisy. Color adds some joy. It makes me feel warm.


Friday, October 22, 2010

Neflix streaming

Netflix offers streaming only service. This is the future for us. I believe we will see more. The DVD via mail is over. Netflix streaming is now.


Thursday, October 21, 2010

363 billion

Read it and weep. 363 billion is what it cost to bail out freddie and fannie in the mortgage mess. This night mare goes on and on. Hey, every year it is more more. It never seems to end this night mare. As for who is gonna pay. Well, take a look in the mirror.

Sadly, our leaders keep writing more checks using our name. This is how our gov is. Folks, our congress is corrupt to the core.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Deindustrialization hits japan

Deindustrialization hits japan now. Probably they are seeing same as america. Loss of jobs due to bankrupt companies. Also, factories are moving overseas.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


For some reason HDR work better on the day of a full moon. Why, I am not sure. It could be the moon's tidal force affects space. Perhaps we will one day know the cause. Gravity may affect time waves.


The Fallen

A time traveller told this to me. He had gone into the future 10,000 years. He had seen the fallen, as that was their name. Basically, it was the fall of man. People with intellect were rare. However, those looked and acted like wild animals were common. I am not talking about genes. These fallen were not furry, but like me and you. Fact is they could walk among us. Human soul was gone. What ever that is.


Monday, October 18, 2010

Lotus eaters

They spent all their days eating of a lily white flower and who forget all their cares. Sounds like a paradise to me. Yeah, to live a life without worry. ODDysee spreaks of the land of the lotus eaters in a kind of a haze of a fond almost forgotten memory. However, who were these lotus eater and what does it means for us? Fables often have inside a kernal of truth, but not this one. Sadly, there are no lotus flowers that make us forget our pain. That said many use certain substances to forget our cares.


Sunday, October 17, 2010


I love inventors as they create new things for me. There are many to get you fired up. Well, here is a list of inventions that are not so hot if you know what we mean. Perhaps, they can find another line of work as in telling jokes as some of these inventions are very funny and then some.


common enemy

Who is our common enemy? It could be disease and germs. Perhaps in the future it will be aliens from outer space. The truth will not come as osmosis. Work is what we require.


Saturday, October 16, 2010

Empire is over

Gold now broke a new record high and our digital dollars are coming on increasing pressure. Folks, please wake up. This empire is over. Only one thing the surprises me. Basically, that it lasted this long on vapors. Still all empires fall, much like rome. The debunkers still claim that every thing is fine and I am a nut case.


Friday, October 15, 2010


What is our world, but a pale blue dot in space. People at one time did dream of flying like birds, and it is now common. However, travel to the stars is another thing, because they are so far away. Perhaps one day - what can we say.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Record Foreclosures

Hey guys, this is serious. We got record foreclosures now. This is not a recovery. Fact is, we have been sold down the river.  Foreclosures keep on coming. Politicians say everything is fine, but I feel this recession is now worse.


our world

Folks, our world is in a crisis. There is too much pollution and problems like crime. People are starting to worry. However, there are no solutions that we can see. What ever did happen to our future vision? Where are the flying cars? The cities on the moon? The men on mars?

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Freedom not free

China suppresses nobel prize winner. This is so sad for me. Folks, we get all those cheap toys made by slaves of that horrible repressive regime. I yearn for freedom for all of us. How much longer can some live as slaves working for their masters while we their plight ignore.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Stocks Fall

Stocks fall on China worry. This is not new news. People are starting to wake up. Folks, our situation is soon max serious. Politician say every thing is fine, of course. In fact, they pretend that if you complain about the lack of jobs that you are crazy. According to our gov we are in recovery now.

Monday, October 11, 2010

HTML5 privacy

HTML5 stirs privacy fear of internet users. There is much worry. For example, how will this play in IE9 or latest browsers that are out now. Hey, we should all ask about HTML5 privacy.


Sunday, October 10, 2010

China pressure on currency

China feels pressure on currency. However, IMF avoid a China press. Hey, too much pressure eh guys? I mean wow. The yuan is NOT rising. For China this is good news. I cannot say the same for us. Yeah, max def not the same.


Saturday, October 09, 2010

poor in prison

The rich want to put poor in prison. Witness all the laws against homeless and banning vagrancy. Fact is we have a prison to poverty cycle going on. Trivial offenses get men in the lock up. Later on they cannot find jobs due to having a record so they turn to crime. Well, the only thing a police state can spout is about a new law they are going to pass.


Friday, October 08, 2010

Job losses increase

People need to realize that our economy is anemic. Sadly, this means job losses increase. There are those who find that a lot of what the thought was wrong. Expect a double dip depression or recession.

Thursday, October 07, 2010

ancient inventors

Hey, we love ancient inventors here no more than ever. The people who use technology have no idea how hard it is to create and call them nerds and other name. People would not have fire even. However, Hollywood use the mad scientist icon. This sold many movie. Little could they the future imagine. Where are the flying cars and men on mars. It is easy for debunkers to ridicule others, but they create nothing of value for us.

Wednesday, October 06, 2010

Oil rises

People, we are in trouble now. Despite an increase in inventories oil rises. What this means is that our weak dollar is pushing prices up. Perhaps we will all ride motorcycles in the days to come. Well, we are going to pay at the pump. Expect price to continue to rise. Sadly, our government is running hot our printing press. They are printing more and more green pieces of paper.


Tuesday, October 05, 2010

Dollar decline continues

Gold hit a new all time high as dollar decline goes on. Debunkers say that everything is fine and prosperity is just around the corner. Gold is going up. Take a look at the charts and what pattern do you see. It looks like a rocket blasting off to the moon.


Monday, October 04, 2010

Jpeg Killer

There is a jpeg killer from google coming soon. The name is webp or weepy. This is an interesting name. It makes me what to weep. That said weepy can cause your pic to be more efficient and smaller in size than jpeg.  Folks, we are all for jpeg pics that are now smaller in size. This is great because it leads to faster loading web pages.


Sunday, October 03, 2010

mars antenna in mojave

Folks, the mars antenna in the mojave is over going repairs. This is the deep space antenna we use on mars. Well, I like that we are still working on deep space. Sadly, that in the future is not the case. What is the reason? OK so we run out of money.

Saturday, October 02, 2010

economy in crisis

People, we are not out of our current economic crisis. However, we are sowing our seeds for the next ginormous one.

Friday, October 01, 2010

Analysts see

Here is what analysts see. There is deflation in wages. However, that is not the case in grocery prices. Sadly, we are now in an economic crisis. People need to realize what is going on. There is more trouble ahead for us. Unemployment will continue to rise.