Peak Oil is Here
Gentlemen, DONT start your engines. Peak oil is here!
Peak Oil in the Pit - The most amazing home videos are here
Gentlemen, DONT start your engines. Peak oil is here!
Peak Oil in the Pit - The most amazing home videos are here
With a jet pack on his back, swiss inventor takes off.
Man flies with jet-powered wings
The future really is here and now we are seeing inventions that were once science fiction become real.
To all our other problems add food shortage. It seems that food banks are now running out. The combination of foreclosures, recession, high gas, and high food are causing people in need to go hungry.
Food banks face rising costs of food and fuel as well as an increse in need by newly homeless. Many people are without jobs and the economic downturn has gotten worse. Not only has food and fuel gone up at the highest rate in 26 years, but wages have gone down for the last seven months straight. I predict trouble ahead.
I recently got a call about the Steven Gibbs Space Time Modulator or STM. This device is about the size of a pack of cigs. It fits in the pocket and is very portable.
Steven Gibbs sent me a unit for me to test, in fact, lately he sent me his new device the QA35a which is supposed to be a new and improved version of the STM. I am curently testing the QA35a and will post results.
Labels: Space Time Modulator
Well, some say that the first john titor time travel forum was on ghost to ghost a part of the coast to coast website, but actually time traveller John Titor made his first debut on the website Time Travel Institute as TT_0 and fisrt told people he was from 2036 with a GE C204 temporal distortion device.
Many people still come to the forum to talk about John Titor and time travel.
There is a world called Gliese 876d that is close to the habital zone of its red dwarf star. It might make for a stunning sunrise on this planet. Gliese 876d drawing make me wonder.
Labels: Gliese 876d
One thing that bothers me is that my laptop only goes an hour. I wish it lasted three hours, but alas it does not. With new lithium battery technology, ULV ultra low voltage chips, SSD solid state drives and electrotranlusive displays 5 hour and even 6 hour laptops are now available.
Here are five battery powered laptops that last five hours. John Titor said that fuel cells are the future and I believe that Sony is working on a new fuel cell that will allow a laptop to work for weeks withoy a refill.
In the future bird flu will mutate, but the bird flu vaccine is here. In the future there will be great epidemics that kill a lot of people, but for now we are safe. Thankfully, the vaccine was developed in time.
Is powerset search engine a threat to Google? That is the idea. A natural language artificial intelligence search engine would revolutionize the world much like the steam engine did back inthe 1800's. Perhaps powerset is the one, but we are still searching.
Seeing speed racer and racerx in 3D is a visual experience like few others. You can see that the future is 3D as it leaves a regular screen feeling a bit flat. The Japanese anime show Speed Racer is a great work of art, and now on a digital canvas seems it is like a visual masterpiece - Go Speed Racer Go.
Labels: speed racer
John Titor never talked or shall we say "TAULKT" about the Great American Vowel Shift which causes in 2036 the language of 1975 to sound "funny". He did not say that his speech patterns were distinctive or that movies from the 80's and 90's sound strange to a person of the future.
The event spoken of as the Great American Vowel Shift is taking place right now. It will affect our manner of speech and we will sound strange. I notice that young people speak shifted, while the old talk "vintage".
Simple mathematics tells us that US factories will soon disappear as they are sent to cheaper locales, but not just manufacturing, the design of products also is leaving as outsourcing causes US companies to move work offshore.
The future of asia is bright as we now see that the US government is talking about free trade and free enterprise, but what is really happening is that the US is using cheap Chinese slave labour to make products instead of union workers.
At one time people with dark skin worked in miserable conditions under the hot summer sun while the light skin plantation owners drank tea. And now in our century we have the rich and powerful destroy the unions and move US factories to a communist country.
Future asian technology will be more methods to track the slaves and make sure they are working, or they will be whipped. Punished if they do not meet production quotas.
In fact, most of the products on the shelf are made using slave labour, by people in a communist dictatorship. How little things have changed.