Sunday, May 04, 2008

Future of asian technology

Simple mathematics tells us that US factories will soon disappear as they are sent to cheaper locales, but not just manufacturing, the design of products also is leaving as outsourcing causes US companies to move work offshore.

The future of asia is bright as we now see that the US government is talking about free trade and free enterprise, but what is really happening is that the US is using cheap Chinese slave labour to make products instead of union workers.

At one time people with dark skin worked in miserable conditions under the hot summer sun while the light skin plantation owners drank tea. And now in our century we have the rich and powerful destroy the unions and move US factories to a communist country.

Future asian technology will be more methods to track the slaves and make sure they are working, or they will be whipped. Punished if they do not meet production quotas.

In fact, most of the products on the shelf are made using slave labour, by people in a communist dictatorship. How little things have changed.


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