Saturday, July 31, 2010

voice programs

Dragon has an excellent voice program. It converts speech to text for you. Fact is it has over 99% accuracy. This is great news. Still, I like to on occasion use the keyboard and do a type in. At one time voice programs where not considered science. They were seen as science fiction from the movie. Well, the reason is that it takes a massive amount of processing power. Yeah, and I am talking massive. That was quite expensive years ago.


Friday, July 30, 2010

rogue app

Folks, a rogue app is stealing data from users. It is sending that data to a chinese server. Why is this going on? Well, I am not sure. Hmmm, this rogue app could be an attempt to steal the identities of the users. Be careful what you download to your telephone because the internet is not safe and secure.


Thursday, July 29, 2010

Total Recall remake

Hey, it was an arnold movie. Who will play the main role now? I am not sure. However, there will be a Total Recall remake soon. This movie is so epic. Hope it comes out in 3D with special effects that are the killa app.

It would be great if people make a movie about the Hyper Dimensional Resonator or HDR. Basically, it can be used to go astral and explore our universe.

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Wednesday, July 28, 2010

double dip?

People like a double dip ice cream cone. However, we are talking about a double dip depression or recession. Those who say the economy is strong are wrong. States are complaining that they do not have enough revenue. Basically, this means they will have to fire workers now. We have to look at profit margins. They are starting to narrow. Buyers are more picky on price now. Expect our double dip economy to get worse.


Tuesday, July 27, 2010

ASK me again

In the battle of the search engines, tiny Ask was left behind with only a 3% of slice of the pie. Ask was to use human power. It will not depend on fancy computer algorithms for its search engine. Humans will serve as detectives looking for answers.


Monday, July 26, 2010

Oliver Stone likes Hitler

According to Oliver Stone, Hitler is misunderstood because media is controlled by jews. Hey, I am not making this up. OK so Wish he would time travel back to the bad old days of nazi germany. He might change his opinion. It sounds strange, but then again. What can we say.

Right now, in my brain, I hear the grinding of gears. This sounds too strange to be true, but it is far to weird to be fiction anyway.


Sunday, July 25, 2010

Time Stalkers

OK now on Hulu is Time Stalkers - a time travel movie. This film was made circa 1987 and the computers in it are ol skool and then some. Not the best hour for science fiction that has in it so little science. It is about people who develop a time machine in the 26th century and time travel to wild west america. These so called Time Stalkers have a funny accent that sounds european. It is an interesting saga. Hope you can enjoy.


Saturday, July 24, 2010

Middle class disappears

Middle class is being wipe out. This is not really news. It is obvious to all except the fools who say - everything is fine, and prosperity is just around the corner. They claim that the homeless are lazy because there are plenty of jobs out there and that there is no recession.

Hope politicians figure it out - that with no middle class there are no taxes for them as in no money. Lets face it, the rich are few and have their money overseas. The poor are many. However, they have no money. Well, that is why they are called, poor.

Friday, July 23, 2010

electric car

The new Mitsubishi i-MiEV electric car could be the shape of things to come. People, this is good news. Perhaps, japan is looking for new markets to conquer. Oil is running out, so we are forced to go green. Electric cars could be a new market for japan. What we need is low cost and long range. Current models of electric cars are too heavy and expensive.


Thursday, July 22, 2010

news in europe

Things are toning down for now. True, europe will suvive. Well, for now. Perhaps some trouble is near. However, no need to fear because there is no threat to the euro. It is a major player in this game.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Peter Schiff on our gov

Peter Schiff is running for office in our gov. He like to tell us to take some bitter medicine and that some pain means in the future more gain.


Tuesday, July 20, 2010


LCD has a problem that is major. Basically, it can break if you drop one. Welcome AMOLED with a flexible screen. This sure looks like the future to me. It is here now. Fact is it could be the future of TV.

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Monday, July 19, 2010

Ireland in woe

Ireland's debt was down graded now. Folks, this is a bad sign. Things are not improving. Fact is, they are getting worse. Nightmare is what I see. Expect things to get real bad for europe. What we hear now are cracks in the ice. The whole continent will fall through soon.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

rare earth metals

China produces 90% of rare earth metals and is now in a row. People claim that are holding out on us. Not giving us access. Well, the problem with rare earths is that they are rare. There was in California a rare earth mine. It was closed down by environmentalists who were crying. They want to shut down all technology and go back to the primitive, a wish they will get soon. High tech depends on silicon which is very common. However, it also depends on metals like europium that china is limiting due to a shortage that is on going.

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Saturday, July 17, 2010

antenna gate

Lefties unite against the apple gang. They

Friday, July 16, 2010

Tail spin

Today the stock market lost over 260 points due to people realizing that there is no recovery. Finally, people are waking up. Markets plunged around the world as financial stocks went into a tail spin. Today the dollar dropped 1% against the yen. Hey, this is not just a blip in the radar because I tell you what is coming. The dark clouds are coming closer to you.

Orgone Accumulators (ORAC) invented by Reich

Orgone Accumulators (ORAC) invented by Reich is a great step forward for us. This is a special kind of energy. Hope we can find new ways. Think of us as going in a journey.                                                             


Thursday, July 15, 2010

Gold over $2000

There is an analyst predicting that gold will go over $2000 soon. In fact, he says in 2011 this will occur. Well, that schedule is a bit aggressive. However, this is a HDRKID gold prediction that is so. Expect increases in precious metal prices.


Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Jobless recovery?

I do not believe in a jobless recovery. Retail sales continue to fall as people lose jobs in the private areas. Sadly, as sales taxes fall, states must also lay off workers now. There are many states like California that are in trouble because bankruptcy is near.

Fact is US jobless number hide the scale of our problem from us. Latest figures show unemployment near 10%, but it is in fact over 22% and rising. US uses a lot of funny math to calculate unemployment, but if you use the same methods used during the great depression you get numbers over 20%. Tragedy is that many of these jobless joes are young. People, our future is dim and grim.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

gold keeps rising

Where is the correction down to $500 that debunkers warn? Fact is that since 2001 it has been going up like a rocket and then some. Gold keeps rising as investors panic. They see capitalism crumbling right in front of their very eyes. It is not a pretty picture I shall say. Time to invest in a few more gold coins.

Time is running out for you. Interestingly, the price of gold keeps going up. What that means is that there is less value to those green pieces of paper. Meanwhile our gov is running hot the printing press.


Monday, July 12, 2010

Debt is cancer

Fiscal commission complains of deficits, warns debt is cancer. Well, I also have a warning. It is not good to do a massive printing of little green pieces of paper. Ask if you will weimar germany. They did experience hyperinflation and the result was nazis taking over.

OK on a more positive not here is the story of Steven Gibbs first HDR machine and how it was. Take a time trip to a kinder gentler time of 1985.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Solar Eclipse on Easter Island

Natives call is rapa nui. This means big island in their language called rongo rongo. Today there is on Easter Island a total eclipse of the sun. I want it use my HDR now. This is a very mystical day for me.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Water was common on mars

Hey, water was once common on mars. This is what science says now. It is funny how they go from I see canals on mars to you are crazy. Perhaps there was once life on the red planet, or shall we say dead planet that is now cover in craters like our moon.


Friday, July 09, 2010

Steven Gibbs - man of mystery

People wonder - who is inventor Steven Gibbs. There are on the internet no movies of the visionary genius. Fact is there exist few pics. Well, back in 1985 he invented the Hyper Dimensional Resonator. He made the device using parts from a local Radio Shack - yes. To build a complex device using readily available components was part of the key, since Steven Gibbs wanted other to be able to easy replicate it. Well, it is 2010 now. Hundreds of HDR units have been built and here we are.


Thursday, July 08, 2010

russian spy swap

Here is what may happen in the future - a russian spy swap. That many be a chance to pull in prisoners. Things are getting interesting in russia. I wonder what we will get for our ten men. It is very NOVEL to trade for russian spies.


Wednesday, July 07, 2010

economic crisis grows

There are now less wages. This means sales are also less and they will not rise. Get ready for more woe. It is getting worse. Expect less medical care. Business will cut back more. People are now seeing what I predicted years ago.

Tuesday, July 06, 2010

Thailand extends emergency

Thailand extends the decree of emergency. Leaders say that the country is still unstable and martial law remains. OK this affects tourism in a negative way. Stifling dissent and rule by decree are hallmarks of a reactionary repressive regime.

Monday, July 05, 2010

three billion reasons

Stop the oil spill now. There are three billion reasons. It keeps getting worse.

Saturday, July 03, 2010

Fall goes on

Yesterday was no rebound as stocks fell some more. Politicians are tires of people asking them about the jobs situation, but there is no clearing we can see. Hey, truth is that there is no recovery. Looking ahead to 2011, things are dim and grim. Perhaps, people should start to prepare now.

Thursday, July 01, 2010

recovery worries

They say stocks fall on recovery worries. Well, here I am. Fact is, you don't need to worry. There is no recovery. In fact, according to Paul Krugman we are going into a depression or recession. I believe depression was what he says. Still, we have time to prepare. Also, it is a good idea to prepare for what is coming.
