Sunday, May 16, 2010

remote viewing and skeptics

Set the bar too high and you fail, but set it too low and it is too easy. I prefer to strike in the middle area. That said many try to misapply certain technologies such as remote viewing.

The main goal seems to be remote viewing lottery numbers which is not easy. The problem is that it requires more than a pencil and some paper. Learning RV is hard work and most debunkers are not willing to do the heavy lifting it requires. Few are willing to spend more than a few moments before they discard it. Well, put on your thinking cap. Let us imagine, yes imagine I give you a bicycle, and you spend a few minutes trying to learn how to use it but fall down a few times and give up.

Sadly, this is the level effort we can expect from skeptics who have no interest in fringe areas of science. The prefer to ridicule and not work at it. This is why they do not attain success.

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