HDR equipment
HDR equipment picture shows the latest devices from Steven Gibbs used for time travel experiments. Hopefully, we will find new answers to old questions.
Labels: HDR equipment
HDR equipment picture shows the latest devices from Steven Gibbs used for time travel experiments. Hopefully, we will find new answers to old questions.
Labels: HDR equipment
Oregon Vortex, also known as the House of Mystery is a gravity vortex. The gravitional anomaly is located near Gold Hill, Oregon. A circular area contains the mystery spot where the laws of nature seem to have been rewritten.
According to Steven Gibbs this vortex is created by an anomaly in space time. A powerful force inside the votex distorts space and causes a time warp. This is interesting and we should study it further.
If we could harness the energy of the vortex we would not need fossil fuels. Buggywhip, meet the horseless carriage.
There is also a Montana Vortex.
Labels: Oregon Vortex
Well, soon we shall see a true crisis as the polar icecap melts. Picture of the future ice free arctic ocean are now a reminder of what will soon come if we do not limit carbon emissions. The greenhouses gases will cause the ice to melt and flood coastal areas.
This is a view of what will soon happen if we do not take steps to prevent the coming meltdown. Global weather patterns will shift with an ice free arctic.
John Titor said "Get a bicycle" and hdrkid said "Get a scooter." However, what if there was a product that is an in between of both, half way from a $200 bicycle and a thousand dollar scooter. Most electric bicycle conversion kits cost about $400, but here is a bike that cost less than that.
It is from mongoose and uses currie tech. Its batteries last about a year 500 cycles and the cost to replace $40 each at Batteries Plus. It takes less than an hour to unscrew the battery and put in a new one. The man at the battery store showed me how to do it.
This is an option that is great for people who are not in the best of health and cannot pedal long distances. If the battery runs down you can still pedal the bike, but with pedal assist it is a breeze to ride.
Labels: currie tech, electric bicycle, mongoose
Well, science says that Greenland was once icefree three million years ago when there was more CO2 in the air. The current level of CO2 is beginning to approach that which was common when Greenland was green. If we continue to burn fossil fuel we will cause major floods of shore near sea ports.
Senator Ted Stevens of Alaska won against six opponents. He was accuse of taking a quarter million dollar bribe from an oil firm. As always big oil runs the show, from the top on down. The fact that people would elect a known crook explains why we are in the mess we are in.
In the near future expect more crims in positions of power. The population should have marched to have Senator Ted Stevens resign or be kicked out, not have him re-elected.
The new social club Yuku has a community from hdrkid. It is a place for people to hang out and chat. Expect more information in the future about the new community in Yuku. There will be a new forum that hopefully does not get hacked as much.
We see amazing stone statues on Easter Island also known as rapa nui. The giant stone heads are called moai and stationed on rock platforms called ahu. However, what is the cause of the Easter Island statues are how were they moved. This nova video about Easter Island explains the process of moving the statue.
Labels: Easter Island
WALL-E had auto, an autopilot that looks a lot like HAL 9000 from the movie 2001. In the 60's people thought that the year 2000 was a time of flying cars and men on mars. However, as we see, things are not as technological as we would expect. There are no artifical intelligence supercomputers like HAL. The cars do not fly, and there is no moon base.
It is as if we somehow lost our way, but what if on another timeline we keep moving forward? Is the future of the movie 2001 possible? I believe that it is. Just because we dropped the ball don't mean that others are as dumb.
It is my belief that on other timelines we did develop new technology far ahead of what we have here. This technology might enable them to have fusion, replicators, teleporters, and yes even flying cars.
What if the Spamair crash was sabotage. The story we are given about the pilot returning from the takeoff due to a faulty temereature gauge seems a bit fishy. Perhaps they are not telling us all the truth. I know that the workers were on strick and the company laid off over 1000 workers. Whait if an angry mechanic did shoddy work, that too is a possibility.
Of all the devices inventor Tesla created few are as exciting as his Tesla coil. You can use get tesla coil schematics for free off the internet and build your own gadget or buy homemade unit on ebay for cheap. Using HDR with the Tesla Coil and other equipment gives me better results. My range is extended and ability to travel is made more powerful. Both the HDR and Tesla Coil generate electromagnetic waves. I feel that these are important for astral time travel.
In August 19, 1839 Louis Daguerre revealed the secrets of photography and the daguerreotype was born. An eager public "snap" it up. Often photographs are used with the HDR. They are place inside the witness well of the HDR.
As many 0of you know I got an HD camera that takes 720p video. This means the hires video will soon be available. Here is a new technology to use photographs to enhance video.The new abilities are awesome.
From the patent office here is a list of the top ten weirdest inventions. Well, one of them collects your farts. Perhaps useful since methane is a powerful greenhouse gas. Another invention collects parrot poop. Is this a trend? These inventors seems a bit scatalogical as well as illogical.
Labels: weirdest inventions
A group of Bigfoot hunters have what they claim is Bigfoot in a freezer and today thay will provide DNA evidence. While most people have their doubts, it is a bit exciting to think that a colony of these creatures could still be alive after all these years.
A question people have is - what are things like in an alternate timeline?
My answer is that an ATL can be quite different than here and now. If you think that you have seen weird then going to an alternate timeline will be the shock of your life. For example, you can see hexagonal yellow HALT signs instead of octagonal red STOP signs. The traffic signals can be blue for go, and orange for stop.
Food can be quite different. I have seen people in the future eating pellets of blue green algae.
Labels: Alternate Time Line
Well, we see many ideas that once were thought impossible become real. A few people question how this can be and some even wonder if it could be. Perhaps we can understand why the HDR a Grandfather Paradox is not possible.
Labels: Grandfather Paradox
The moon is decidedly gibbous and we will soon have a full moon. Now, Steven Gibbs says that a full moon is the best time to use the HDR, but I was wondering on about if a new moon is also good. By testing out the HDR I can tell you that my results near a new moon are great. It appears that a tidal force is involved, but more research is needed.
Finally, an antiaids vaccine is a success. This is great news as AIDS has claimed millions of innocent human lives. Well, now we have a chance to prevent the event. AIDS will hopefully soon become a bad memory.
Well, what makes the HDR - Hyper Dimensional Resonator work is the caduceus coil. Basically that is the special sauce that makes the soup. Without a rubbing plate and a witness well and a caduceus coil the HDR would not work as well. In fact, my belief is that it would not function.
I plan to use the HDR today. Hope for an interesting adventure. My best results are on the day of the full moon or near that time. Using the HDR with a plasma globe is also part of the experiment.
Labels: HDR plasma globe
What can we say to our children in the future when they ask why we polluted our air and destroyed our planet? The future of oilrigs is that they will be remembered the way we see a greedy man who eats all the food and leaves nothing.
Yes, hear it for yourself. I think he lost maybe a million votes. People think it is funny because we all know that keeping tires full is right up there with turn off the lights before you go out.
We need solutions, not to be ridiculed.
As if things could not get worse now CEMEX is raising concrete prices. This will affect an already battered real estate market by making new homes even more expensive. The reason for the price increase is that fuel prices are much higher than last year so making cement is also more expensive. Talk about concrete reality, things in the housing market are going from bad to worse.
For 2009 I predict that the recession will cause fewer houses to be built than in 2008 as well as banks will be less willing to lend money. This means fewer construction workers will be busy. Expect prices for fuel to ramp up after the election.
I can tell you what the future does not look like - a giant Hummer SUV truck. Actually GM is making the Hummer HX or hummerette as I call it. this minihummer looks like a mean machine. Sorry, GM, but you have to think small.
Unemployment is at a four year high as the economy moves into recession. There will be less jobs next year. The reason is that we are slowing down as companies DOWNsize, meaning fire workers. The outsourcing and offshoring of jobs was predicted by hdrkid and now it is coming true.