Friday, January 30, 2009

Financial tailspin gets worse

Yes the dow today held above that magical 8,000 number, but we are in a tailspin and our economy has worst decline since 1982 -- actually the tailspin is accelerating as people cut spending. This means that it might be a while before we hit bottom.

Using remote viewing, CarlosX saw that the economy would get worse. In previous predictions, the goal was to see how much worse. Well, I can tell you that it appear that there will be shortages of food and fuel in the days to come.

It is important that people prepare for what is coming a complete financial collapse that will be in some ways similar to the Great Depression of the 1930's. "It's an economic hurricane," said Richard Yamarone, chief economist at Argus Research. How true, but to survive we must prepare. Using remote viewing we can foretell how it will affect us.

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