Friday, March 28, 2008

Vortex Hunting

Steven Gibbs says that for the HDR to work you need to be over a vortex. To locate a grid point of magnetic vortex many people use dowsing rods, but I prefer a cell sensor gaussmeter EMF detector.

Most of my grid point vortex hunting takes place at night. This is because it is when I have free time and also it is easier to locate on because the cell sensor light is easier to see. It would be great to have a flashlight with built in emf detector. In the future I plan to post how to build an emf detector gaussmeter.

What is a gaussmeter?
It is a device to measure magnetic flux. It gives you a reading of the strength of the magnetic field in your region. Since a magnetic vortex is an anomaly in the local magnetic field that is why you use an EMF detector gaussmeter when vortex hunting.



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