Monday, July 17, 2006

Ong's Hat - dimensional doorway?

"certain dimensional universes must act as "strange attractors" in their own right, and are thus far easier to access (more "probable") than others."
TAKEN From Ong's Hat

This I have found to be true. In fact, certain dates are more easy to time travel to than others. While the period from 2010-2015 is walled off, the 90's, 50's, and 20's are ez 2 travel to.

The eighties are very difficult, but I went there once, the seventies less so.

It appears that quantum attractors of space time allow travel to only certain time periods.
Also, certain areas like Ong's Hat are "thinner" and allow travel with greater ease.

I believe that the people of Ong's Hat escaped to an quiet unpolluted forest world where they now live.


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